Reputable Member
Topics: 3 / Replies: 360
RE: 'Triangle' button not working

Nope, not that one. This is the connector rotated 180 degrees from the position in your pic

7 years ago
RE: 'Triangle' button not working

The left arrow and top-right arrow are always connected together, but the middle one shouldn't be. Any chance you can get a pic of the pins on the FPC...

7 years ago
RE: PSPi not recognizing Keyboard or Buttons

I'm happy to take a look at it. It does sound like a defective Pi, but I can at least get the setup finished for you so controls will work. Do you sti...

7 years ago
RE: PSPi not recognizing Keyboard or Buttons

The other USB port doesn't have data pins, so it won't help you. Did you happen to get the microUSB cable in yet? If you can't figure it out, you're w...

8 years ago
RE: pspi 3 turning off

It's possible. Did you copy over all the files, including the config.txt? The config.txt file is the one that tells the Pi Zero to switch that pin to ...

8 years ago
RE: Improved on/off board

I'd like to get more info about what exactly the board was doing. If the HDMI is backfeeding power and keeping the GPIO pins pulled high, then the boa...

8 years ago
RE: Improved on/off board

Issues with the on/off board, or with the RPi?

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Those numbers are exactly what I'd expect. It should be working. Have you tested the composite signal on anything else?

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

3,3v is what you want, so it's at least working partially. There's one more thing to check. With the board powered on check the voltage at both sides ...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Can you verify that your putting at least 5v into the LCD power input? If it's under 5v then the IC won't function correctly.

8 years ago
RE: PSPi not recognizing Keyboard or Buttons

You should have contact between all the yellow areas, and you should have contact between all the purple areas. There should also not be a connection...

8 years ago
RE: PSPi not recognizing Keyboard or Buttons

Do you have an ohmmeter? There are a couple things we can check in the meantime.

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Looks like you can get it working by shorting across the diode M7. That will increase the voltage going into the IC enough to get it working at 5v

8 years ago
RE: PSPi not recognizing Keyboard or Buttons

I can't tell for sure, but it appears that you switched the USB port wires The pic you posted was low resolution, so it was difficult to see where th...

8 years ago
RE: PSPi not recognizing Keyboard or Buttons

You won't be able to finish the last part of the button setup without the keyboard, so that's why you're stuck. My board isn't really doing anything w...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Are there any numbers on the 8-pin IC at the bottom? Do you have a voltmeter?

8 years ago
RE: Improved on/off board

I'm not sure what to make of the HDMI issue. The USB connector is routing power to the same parts of the board as those pins. There's going to be a s...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

All good, except green. It doesn't go to GND, it goes to the composite pin on the Pi Zero

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

And green attaches to the composite video source, not GND

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

That is incorrect. Hopefully you haven't supplied power to it yet. There are 4 pads. The pad above the one you colored red is the one that should actu...

8 years ago
RE: Config of pspi 1000.3 buttons, works in emustation but not in games

Make sure it's set to 100% by hitting start and increasing it. You can also adjust it more by doing this: You can also modify the board for more volu...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

That's what I expect should be the power path, just judging from component placement. Everything red will get the full 5.09v. There are no components ...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Wait, those numbers aren't making sense. That inductor should be connected directly to 5.09v on one side. Is the diode M7 still installed on this one?

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

I've tested this same type of IC down to 4.9v without issues. It's possible that you're getting a large voltage drop across the first inductor, labele...

8 years ago
RE: Config of pspi 1000.3 buttons, works in emustation but not in games

That will happen if the joystick isn't wired up, or if it is wired backwards.

8 years ago
RE: Config of pspi 1000.3 buttons, works in emustation but not in games

That's probably the best thing to try. There's not much that can cause none of the controls to work other than the software not starting on bootup.

8 years ago
RE: Config of pspi 1000.3 buttons, works in emustation but not in games

Did you copy over the files and run the installer?

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Ok this is the standard MP3302-style chip used in most of these boards. It can do 4.75v-28v in and drops it straight to 3.3v. If you put 5v to the bo...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

I am trying to find a dtasheet for the AS269 IC. Can you attach 12v to the board and tell me what voltage you get at the pins of the IC, and tell me w...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Can you post a pic of the bottom side of the board?

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

That covers all the power input. It's definitely doing it's job and dropping voltage to 3.3v for the main IC to use. There's something else going on h...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Are you getting 3.3v on both sides of the inductor labeled 470?

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Ok keep it the way it is for now and let's check one more thing. There is an inductor labeled 331 next to the jumper. When you have 5v applied to the ...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Is the other one modified yet? If not, try removing the diode labeled M7 and putting a jumper in it's place.

8 years ago
RE: turn off after 5 min

I have a size limit on images, so that's probably the issue. You can also email them to me at the email address that sent you the order status.

8 years ago
RE: turn off after 5 min

Are you able to post pictures of the wires that attach the batteries to the board? I'm wondering whether you might have them reversed. Also, do you ha...

8 years ago
RE: LCD White Display

Ok. I've got you covered. Another one will be headed your way soon.

8 years ago
RE: LCD White Display

And can you verify that you have composite attached to this pin (yellow) and only this pin It's just hard to see in the photo.

8 years ago
RE: LCD White Display

That's odd. Wiring looks good, so it's probably either the composite on the Pi is having issues, or the LCD or controller is to blame. The easiest way...

8 years ago
RE: LCD White Display

Well, that's a new one. There's not much that can go wrong on those. I'd say either the Pi isn't outputting on the composite line (unlikely), somethin...

8 years ago
RE: PSPI v3 Voltage Issue

Use lots of flux too. I had to do the same thing on a test build, and it's not easy. Hopefully you dont destroy the board in the process, but let me k...

8 years ago
RE: pspi 3 turning off

Do you have a voltmeter? When you hit the power switch you should be getting 5.2v at the pin circled red, 3.3v at the pin circled orange, and within a...

8 years ago
RE: PSPI v3 Voltage Issue

No, it should just work. 4.06v to the LCD is very strange. Also, the LCD shouldn't function at all with less than 4.5v, so that's confusing me further...

8 years ago
RE: Raspberry Pi with wifi inside a psp

Thanks Assomnia Mustang3027 - Have a look around the site. You'll find most of the information you need. As for touchscreen, it's possible, but the p...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Posted by: Dennis Carlin The LCD seems to run with a 5v power supply as is. Do I need to do the mod on this driver. What is written on the 8-pin chip?...

8 years ago
RE: PSPi Evolution

I love the video. Excellent work.

8 years ago
RE: Raspberry Pi Compute Modul 3 Lite as replacement of Zero

Posted by: Secon Hi I write because I like the idea to get a little more out out of the PSP. But I see a basic problem, the Pi Zero does not provide v...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Posted by: Kevin I hooked the pi up to a display and nothing showed up on screen. Another thing i noticed is that my orange and green light turns on w...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Posted by: Dennis Carlin I got the recommended LCD and completed the mod but the LCD won't power on. Any ideas what to check first Post some pics and...

8 years ago
RE: Anyone have a 3d printer?

I'm thinking about dabbling in 3D printing after the V4 board is complete. Anyone have an opinion on this one?

8 years ago
RE: My PSPi project!Updating

Posted by: skin008 This board is my test board. Although it works properly,there's an audio automatic switch problem that hasn't been solved yet. Sony...

8 years ago
RE: My PSPi project!Updating

Beautiful work. I'll be making a daughter board similar to that for the all-in-one. What all is that smaller board able to do? I see two ICs. Also, I'...

8 years ago
RE: PSPi Evolution

You should be able to now. It was set to prevent editing after 5 minutes. Thank you for the tutorial. I'll give it a try myself once I get this test b...

8 years ago
RE: PSPi Evolution

Hey had a little forum glitch and this wasn't showing in my moderation until today. I'm working on a test build, and I'll see whether I can get Kodi w...

8 years ago
RE: PSPi 1000.4

Enough room to have a small heat sink on the zero cpu Still tweaking the position of everything, but this should be doable. A way to turn off the scre...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Once you do that, I recommend using some 91% rubbing alcohol to clean the board up so you can check for bridged connections. Also, do you have the abi...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Posted by: Kevin Sorry it took so long. I've removed the wires but the colors show how the wires were connected from the LCD board to the pi Ok so it...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

Posted by: elprophe Dear Sir received your v3 kit about a week ago, great kit! Just getting started on it, this is the LCD board that I have, but I'm ...

8 years ago
RE: Composite LCD Controller Board Support

I'm happy to help. Can I get some pics showing the LCD controller and how you've got it wired to the Pi?

8 years ago
RE: PSPi V2.1 Turning Off

Does holding the switch for a few seconds kill power to everything (it should)? If that works then you just need a bit of software to run in the backg...

8 years ago
RE: PSPi V2.1 Turning Off

Ok I was asking about the Zero W because it doesn't automatically pull up the TX pin. A line of code has to be added to config.txt to make it function...

8 years ago
RE: PSPi V2.1 Turning Off

Is that using a Zero W?

8 years ago
RE: No Speaker Audio

I'm very happy you got it working. I definitely welcome feedback on the V3. I plan to use it all for improvements to V4.

8 years ago
RE: No Speaker Audio

The switch only turns off the speakers. If the headphones are working then that at least rules out software causes. It's most likely a short somewhere...

8 years ago
RE: Raspberry Pi ZERO W NO volume control

Only the volume buttons are wired and configured, the Home button is not. I'll write some code and post it for you guys once I'm able.

8 years ago
RE: Unsure of what to do with LCD board

Wow that's a weird one. They must have changed the design in the last couple weeks. Are you able to heat the board a little with a blow drier to peel ...

8 years ago
RE: PSPi Evolution

It actually display the rainbow like any start and shut off after that.Would be nice to be able to use the buttons from the psp to navigate in berrybo...

8 years ago
RE: PSPi Evolution

I'm not sure because I've done very little with multiboot. I did some googling and it looks like berryboot shares the config.txt across each OS, so I'...

8 years ago
RE: Advanced Off/Off Button Question for Pi 3

Nope. Was just making sure it wasn't maybe being caused by a defective on/off board. Ok one last thing to try. Disconnect the wire that goes between ...

8 years ago
RE: Unsure of what to do with LCD board

You can right-click and save as to download it intact. Notepad might work, but copying the original file is more reliable.

8 years ago
RE: Unsure of what to do with LCD board

Check out the Installation tab on the LCD product page. This is the newest batch of LCDs I received. They look way different from the ones I was recei...

8 years ago
RE: Advanced Off/Off Button Question for Pi 3

Yeah anything over 2.5v is enough to keep it on. I'm a little baffled. Is this the same board you used on the Pi 2, or did you get two of them and thi...

8 years ago
RE: Advanced Off/Off Button Question for Pi 3

Does the pin stay at 3.3v the whole time?

8 years ago
RE: Advanced Off/Off Button Question for Pi 3

Could be lots of things causing it, and the simplest way to rule out most of them is to use a different GPIO pin instead of TX. If you change that 14 ...

8 years ago
RE: PSP Raspberry Pi3 with HDMI, USB Sound, Teensy LC Jostick, Brightness Control

I used Google Translate so everyone else can appreciate your work.... Hi, Here is my PSP version: I installed a Raspberry Pi3, in which I killed every...

8 years ago
RE: Up and Left not working

I sent you an email.

8 years ago
RE: Up and Left not working

Ok those values are normal. Doesn't sound like the joystick is to blame. Try re-running the button configuration now that you fixed the switched wires...

8 years ago
RE: Pspi wont turn on at all

Possible causes: FPC cable not fully inserted into FPC-24 on PSPi board or the FPC-22 on PSP controls boardFPC cable damagedPSP's power switch defecti...

8 years ago
RE: Up and Left not working

You should be getting somewhere around 2.6v on the X and Y pads when the joystick is in the neutral position and the system is powered on. Do you have...

8 years ago
RE: Up and Left not working

I'm 99.9% sure it's because the joystick either isn't soldered up or is soldered up backward.

8 years ago
RE: Pspi wont turn on at all

When you unplug the power and hit the power button, what LED indications do you get?

8 years ago
RE: psp shell

Some of the electronics and brackets are needed. I recommend buying a broken from eBay. You can use an aftermarket shell, but you'll still need the in...

8 years ago
RE: Game Gear Project V1.0

Very cool. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for checking out the site.

8 years ago
RE: Button configuration

In v3 the joystick controls are tied to the same GPIO pins as the d-pad. If both the joystick and d-pad doesn't work it's either a bridged/unconnected...

8 years ago
RE: PSONE, PISTATION, 95% finished project

Cool project. Thanks for posting it.

8 years ago
RE: Power for 5 seconds then shutoff

The config.txt on the v3 page is correct. I'm certain of it. If you copied it to the SD card and overwrite the one that was already there, then it's s...

8 years ago
RE: Screen brightness

Gotcha. Feel free to contact me directly so we can work together to get you up and running.

8 years ago
RE: PowerBoost 500 Charger

Yeah it'll work. You might need to be creative with the attachment, but it does basically the same job.

8 years ago
RE: Screen brightness

There's not really an easy way to make that happen. There are two pads that are used for entering the setup and making those changes, but it requires ...

8 years ago
RE: Experience with LAKKA?

Not much yet here. Imaged it to an SD card long enough to verify that the config.txt code would work correctly. It boots fast and looks great. Haven't...

8 years ago
RE: PSP Headphone Jack

Exactly. J+ and - are the power inputs for the joystick.

8 years ago
RE: PSP Headphone Jack

Bottom left (#1) is ground, middle (#2) is positive (for right headphone), top (#3 or #4) is positive (for left headphone). I can't remember whether i...

8 years ago
RE: Raspberry Pi Audio Circuit very low volume

The channels operate independently of each other, so that's weird that it only worked with both speakers attached.

8 years ago
RE: Config file

The config file must be replaced with mine, otherwise the board will power off within a couple seconds of turning on.

8 years ago
RE: Hello Community - A few questions

1) Is there a complete wiring diagram on the forum that shows all the hookups to the circuit board? If so all my other question might be answered. Not...

8 years ago
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