PSPi 6 Availability

January 2025 Update

I still cannot ship to Canada. All Canada orders will be held until Pirate Ship allows me to send there again.

The boards are well-stocked. Non-soldered board orders ship within a few days. Solder Service orders take a few days longer.

If the board goes out of stock, then you can place a backorder. I’ll ship as quickly as I can inspect and test them. I’ll update this page if anything changes.

For more details about the PSPi 6 Board, visit the product page.

If you don’t want a board, but like the project and want to support it, you can also support on Patreon.

4 thoughts on “PSPi 6 Availability

  • May 24, 2024 at 6:19 pm

    I have to tell you that I really appreciate your service and am super excited to do this mod for the PSP. Like I mentioned on one my info request, I am new to this mod, and am looking to make the exact system as shown on the Macho Nacho Productions video from about 6 months ago. I am struggling with which of the CM4 pi’s to get, as I want to get the correct one, but there is not a link to one from your site or Macho Nacho. I have ordered all the parts to build one of these, and I have a spare PSP to build this. I am just waiting for the boards to become available and will pay for your pre-soldering service upon order.

    Looking so forward to this as I am getting my boys into what we are now calling Retro Gaming.

    • October 4, 2024 at 10:56 pm

      I’m sure I’m responding late, and you got this figured out like I did, but I too struggled with understanding the differences of the CM4s.

      As to which one you should use is going to depends on how flexible you want to be with changing out operating systems, etc.
      (A CM4 Lite will allow you to swap microSD cards, a CM4 with eMMC will not. The size of the eMMC is what will always be available on that board.)

      A CM4 without eMMC (CM4 Lite (no built-in storage)) are the only modules that will allow you to boot from a microSD card. If you get one with eMMC (CM4 with built-in storage) you cannot use the microSD slot on the carrier board and you will have to flash the eMMC to use it in the PSP.

      Reading the part number:
      CM4 (all boards)
      Wireless or non-wireless: ((10) wireless, (00) non-wireless)
      Four RAM sizes are available: ((10) 1GB, (20) 2GB, (40) 4GB and (80) 8GB)
      Three eMMC sizes are available: ((08) 8GB, (16) 16GB and (32) 32GB)

      With the above in mind, let’s say we want a CM4 with wireless, with 4GB of RAM and 8GB of eMMC):
      (Note: As a programmer, I think of the part number in index positions (starting at “0” for the first index position)):

      C = index 0
      M = index 1
      4 = index 2
      1 = index 3 (wireless)
      0 = index 4 (wireless or non-wireless)
      4 = index 5 (RAM size)
      0 = index 6 (always “zero”)
      0 = index 7 (eMMC size (10s place))
      8 = index 8 (eMMC size (1s place))

      Index positions 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6 don’t ever change)
      Index 3 is going to be 0 for no wireless or 1 for yes wireless.
      Index 5 is going to be a 1 (1GB) , 2 (2GB) , 4 (4GB) or 8 (8GB)
      Index 7 is going to be a 0 (8GB) , 1 (16GB) or 3 (32GB)
      Index 8 is going to be an 8 (8GB), 6 (16GB) or 2 (32GB)

      So the example above, CM4104008 is a wireless CM4 with 4GB RAM and 8GB eMMC.
      Change index 3 to a zero (0): CM4 004008 is a non-wireless CM4 with 4GB RAM and 8GB eMMC.
      Change index 5 to an 8 and the CM4 has 8GB RAM.
      Change index 7 to a 3 and index 8 to a 2 and the CM4 has 32GB of eMMC.

      A CM4 Lite with wireless with as much RAM as you can afford makes the most sense, IMHO.
      If you go CM4 (non-Lite), it would generally make sense to get the 32GB eMMC version for the PSPi6, IMHO.

      Table 9 on page 30 of this PDF datasheet shows how to read the part numbers:

  • November 28, 2024 at 4:05 pm

    Is there anything in the pipeline to use a cm5? If so will your board be able to swap to a cm5 with software/firmware update?

    • November 29, 2024 at 5:19 pm

      I have a CM5 on the way to me. I’ll update on x, discord, and youtube once I know what’s doable.

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