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PSPi not recognizing Keyboard or Buttons

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Sorry if this has been asked/answered before, I searched around the forums and could not find anything. I completed my assembly (V3), installed Retropie, and copied the three files from Othermod. The PSP will boot up but does not recognize the keyboard or any of the buttons so I get stuck there. Anyone have similar issues or suggestions? I tried deleting and reinstalling everything on the SD card but was met with the same results. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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You won't be able to finish the last part of the button setup without the keyboard, so that's why you're stuck.

My board isn't really doing anything with the USB signal, just passing it through to the USB connector. Did you solder the wires from the USB port to the USB pads on the board? If so, can I get a pic to make sure it's not backwards?

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Yes I did solder the USB port to the USB connectors on the board. Photo attached. Thank you for the quick response.

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I can't tell for sure, but it appears that you switched the USB port wires

The pic you posted was low resolution, so it was difficult to see where the wires were soldered.

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Sorry for the low res picture it was taken with cell phone and could not upload larger file size. I double checked the wires and they are the same as instructions and photos. I ordered a mini usb to usb cable and am going to try and connect straight to Pi. Should be here in a couple of days. Will let you know the results.

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Do you have an ohmmeter? There are a couple things we can check in the meantime.

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Yes I do. 

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You should have contact between all the yellow areas,  and you should have contact between all the purple areas. There should also not be a connection between anything purple and yellow.

It's possible that one of the adapter pieces is defective or not making contact somewhere. It's also possible there's a bridged or disconnected solder joint somewhere. 

It's also possible that the miniUSB adapter outside the case is to blame.

The device pinout shows what should be making contact (receptacle side). Those pins are a little harder to check because they are recessed

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I checked the solder points for the purple and yellow wires. Solder joints were good and there was no bleed over between the two. I also tried moving the USB to the other port on the Pi with the same results. 

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I hade a similar issue and was stuck.  But this i what i did..  i tok the raspberry pi micro usb to usb adapter.  Cut and pieled the rubbel of the end of the micro usb, to make it fit inside the pi usb port inside the psp without dissassemble it. 

An connected a keyboard to it to execute the bash files and finished the setup. 


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The other USB port doesn't have data pins, so it won't help you. Did you happen to get the microUSB cable in yet?

If you can't figure it out, you're welcome to First Class Mail it to me and I'll figure it out.

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The cable should be in tomorrow. Had to reorder, the last one was lost in the mail. Will let you know the results when it gets in. Hopefully this will get it up and running and I don't have to take you up on the offer to ship it. I do appreciate the offer tho.

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So the cable came in and I plugged directly into the Pi. It still did not recognize the keyboard. I went through and checked solder joints and tried changing wires in the USB hub all with negative results. Starting to think there is an issue with the Pi. Othermod if your still willing to take a look at it I'm going to have to take you up on the offer. Otherwise it's going to get shelved and try again when V4 is released.

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I'm happy to take a look at it. It does sound like a defective Pi, but I can at least get the setup finished for you so controls will work. Do you still have the box with the return address on it?

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Thank you I appreciate it. No I don't have the box anymore.
