No Speaker Audio
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No Speaker Audio

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Almost finished my v3 build and powered it up on the bench before I complete it. All working great, the only issue is I'm not getting any audio from the PSP speakers, the headphone socket works though. I'll double check the speaker wiring again.. but any ideas? I've set retropie to output audio via HDMI / Auto and 3.5 Jack with no change.   

Also just checking the audio switch that turns off the speakers, does this turn off the headphones as well? Cause my switch doesn't..

Thanks, great kit.. The LCD module is a pita so any future way to remove this would be great.    

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The switch only turns off the speakers. If the headphones are working then that at least rules out software causes. It's most likely a short somewhere, or something is happening with the switch to keep the SD pin on the amp connected to ground. Feel free to send a pic of your soldering if you can't figure it out. I test every board before sending so hopefully nothing failed since the test.

I agree that the LCD module is a pain to install. It's also a pain to modify and test, so I'm just as happy to be getting rid of it in the next version.

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Thanks for the quick reply

I've since pulled off the shield and controls off and had a look (see photo). I resoldered L+ and R+ to L- and R- and the audio works now.  I had them originally on S+ and (L+ and R+) 🙂

Keen to see the next version, the composite out is pretty good, but a digital output would be much better. 

Thanks for the great kit, I haven't picked up my soldering iron for a while so this project has been a fun build!

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I'm very happy you got it working.

I definitely welcome feedback on the V3. I plan to use it all for improvements to V4.
