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Button Mappping

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Hello, first time posting here. Forgive me if this has been covered, but I couldn't find if it has. I recently built a PSPi v4 and opted for the headphone board as well. I was having issues with no sound from the speakers and no stereo from the headphone jack, so I decided to clean the SD card and give it another shot. Now my buttons don't seem to be working correctly. The joystick does not work at all, and the Home button isn't functioning as it did before, but as a second start button instead. Any help here would be greatly appreciated!

Reputable Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
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That all seems like it could be software issues. Have you tried the premade image yet?

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Yep, I have only tried the Option 1 from the build guide. I have used diskpart to clean and partition the SD card several times and it hasn't changed. It worked perfectly fine before I had to disassemble a little to replace the speakers.

Reputable Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 363

Ok so you disassembled it also? If so, then check the FPC cable leading the the Pi's CSI connector. It handles all the input for buttons, joystick, and battery voltage. If it is cocked or disconnected it could be the cause.
