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To Convert or to Not

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In one of the posts on this site (tutorial/blog), it was mentioned that the psp can emulate other removed link  I recently got a psp1001 and psp3001 ($20 each) for the purpose of doing a conversion to a removed link  I'm wondering, should I keep them intact and use an emulator on them, or go ahead with the conversion?  I guess I'm asking if the piZero can emulate more nes/snes games than the psp?  I could convert the psp1001 and put an emulator on the removed link  What do you think?

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If both of the PSPs you have are working, I would leave them as-is and run emulators on them.  This project is geared more toward giving new life to broken/nonworking PSPs.


Looks like othermod still has some work to do on his spam filter.  lol

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Lol. Just a tad bit. But hey, no spam is getting through. I made some more adjustments, so that might be the last time links get removed.

I tend to agree. If you're only doing it to play games and not to make use of the more general purpose capabilities, then the PSP does a fine job. I can't recommend destroying a working one.

Dead ones are all over eBay.

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No spam is always good.


The ones I ended up getting I payed $5 shipped for each.  I am waiting on another aftermarket case to come and another lcd display.  I have a 2.1 kit that I still need to build, and I am hoping I win the March  giveaway so I can build myself a PSPi.  The one I am currently working on with the v3 kit is for one of my brothers, and the other one I build will be for my other brother.  I would like one of my own.  lol

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That is strange, I didn't include any links in my original post.

What search terms should I use on ebay to find these dead psp's?  I tried "dead psp" and they just show me psp games named dead [something].

@st0n3y19:  The aftermarket case you mentioned, do they come with the board for the buttons?

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The spam software othermod uses on the forums was still set a little to high so it was mistaking some things you typed as a link instead of just normal text.  Nothing to worry about.


Just search for psp 1000 then sort by lowest price.  The aftermarket cases do not come with the button boards, but I have seen where you can buy just those boards.  The problem is you need the LCD bracket, rubber button pads, the menu buttons that are bellow the LCD, and the power adapter (othermod sells the power adapter now though).  You can probably find everything you need all separate, but it ends up being cheaper to buy a non working PSP to gut.  I prefer going this route then getting a custom case as most of the non-working PSPs usually have broken cases also.
