PSPi Version 1000.3...
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PSPi Version 1000.3 board

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Hi Adam

at first excuse my poor english im from germany.

I saw your PSPi mod and i like it unfortunately im nothing in building such a thing so i was happy to see that you will release a complete board for this mod.

Im just a little bit confused after watching the video.

If i purchase the board will it be blang like the first one in the video or is it finished like the second one so that it only have to be connected as you did in the video.

Also i want to know if the mod also work with the raspberry pi 3.

For my understanding is the following list all i need to complete the mod:

Raspberry Pi, PSP FAT, 1000.3 Board, TFT Display, Battery Pack

Many thanks in advance for your answer and of course for the PSPi Mod.


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It will be complete. The 1000.3 board will have most of the features integrated, but it will still require some soldering skills. I don't want people to get the wrong idea and think it will be as simple as plugging it in. This is meant for advanced tinkerers that have soldering experience.

It's not going to work with the Pi 3. The design is based around the Pi Zero only. I don't think a Raspberry Pi 3 would fit into the case anyway without serious modification.

You will also need a microSD card and possibly an SD to microSD adapter. I will include the batteries in the kit.

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Der Adam

thanks for the fast reply many questions now cleared.

Nevertheless i know some guys which can do the assembling for me they are not at profi level but i think they can handle it.

My last question is when will the board be ready to ship?


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I wish I could give you a direct answer to the question, but I don't know exactly how much longer it will take. Routing all the components on the PCB takes a lot of time, and I cannot afford to have mistakes on the prototype.

I'm working on it every day though, and I'll post an update on my site once I get the prototype ordered.

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Fine take all the time you need i will wait for it did not known the PSPi a week ago so i can wait until you can ship it.

Perhaps i try the "C64 Mod" first seems much easier.
