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need help for 2 questions on pspi 2.0

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Hi, i need your help for pspi 2.0.

Sorry for my english.

Google traduction : 

In the screenshot 1: where the wire comes? I do not find in the tutorial.


In the screen shot 2:

1: where the wire comes?

2: no wire?


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screenshot 2

Thanks for your help , i love your job

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I'm glad you sent me a message on my contact page because I didn't have notification emails set up on this forum.

Question 1: That's going to the ORANGE LED.When the battery voltage drops, the LM393 switches to GND. That wire goes to the orange LED, so when it switched to GND the LED turns on.

Question 2: Pin 1 is going to the on switch. The other side of the on switch is connected to GND, so pressing the switch causes that pin of the diode to switch to GND. Pin 2 goes to the gate of the P-mosfet. When the switch is held on it connects the gate of the P-mosfet to GND and sends power to the Pi.

I've got the site set to email me when you post a response now, so feel free to ask more questions.

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thanks for your help, i almost finish the pspi
