Modifying LCD to 5V...
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Modifying LCD to 5V question

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Your projects have inspired me to blow the dust of my broken PSP i've been holding onto for years and give it a new life for my kids.

With fear of asking a silly question is it possible that some of the LCD monitors may simply not power up on 5v?

basically i purchased a cheap 4.3inch lcd from ebay, removed the power buck, soldered a wire from pin 2 location to the power in and nothing.....not even a flciker. Im powering with a 5v 2amp power bank for testing. 

this is what i got

Thanks again and keep up the great work and updates

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Yes, some just won't work. It looks like you got one that has the flat, clear plastic front. I've had lots of problems with those. I probably ordered at least 10 different types before finding one that worked the way it should. So far, the ones with the recessed front seem to do better, but the suppliers are changing their designs all the time.


Did you happen to try it before removing the buck converter? Also, you're welcome to post a pic of the board and the buck converter you removed. Maybe someone else has managed to modify it.

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Definitely post a pic. The one I ordered was one of the recessed frame ones and I found that it didn't have a 1509 buck converter on it. It had one of these (wasn't labeled so it took me some time to figure it out):

Solder the 5V supply to pin 3 vice pin 2 and see if it works for you. If not, then probe the pads with a meter to see which ones are getting supply voltage with the buck off, and then do the same once you put the buck back on. You should should see supply on the same pin as the first test and then a lower voltage on one of the other pins. That one should be your 5V supply, but a picture of the board will help to confirm.

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I ordered this LCD from Amazon because I could get it quick and used my Prime.

Here is a pic of the board.

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I am going to try to not modify this board and see if it works without modification first. 
Then I will try your tutorial fix and go from there. I may have to use the board you ordered if all else fails and just wait for it to come in.
