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January 5, 2017 5:16 am
hello i just started on my pspi and wasn't quite sure on how to wire this up PMW1 and PMW0 are both from the pi output L and R both go to the amp ground is the same one as on the amp but where would the center pin between L and R go i cant quite understand the audio guide for the filter
January 5, 2017 12:34 pm
I'm writing a guide for the audio filter wiring, and it'll be posted soon.
You can attach the filter on the input or the output of the amplifier. If you're attaching to the input, then the center pin between PWM0 and and PWM1 connects to the ground on the Pi or your power supply. The center pin between L and R on the filter connects to the center pin between the L and R on the amplifier.
Topic starter
January 6, 2017 1:01 am
thanks this clears it up for me